Save Money!,by brewing on our premises.
Come on in and choose from our many Great BEER recipes, our long list of Award Winning WINES, CIDERS and COOLERS.
Throw on a batch and we'll call you when it's filtered and ready to be bottled!
Prices starting at just $134.70 for 48 liters of Beer
Wine starting at just $117 for 23 liters
We offer on premise brewing of Wine, Beer, Ciders and coolers,
at affordable prices! It's like having your own Micro-Brewery.
Our staff will be happy to assist you whether you are a newcomer
or a seasoned pro.
Phone the friendly staff at North Island Brewing in Campbell River, they will be happy to answer any questions you have.
We are located at
1791 Willow St,
Campbell River, BC
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Store Hours:
Wednesday to Saturday 9 - 5,